Three Reasons Why Your Business Should Participate in Community Parades

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wpid-20150905_114206.jpg After recently participating in the annual ‘Million Father March’ Back to School Parade that is organized by Phillip Jackson, Founder & Director of the Black Star Project, I am inspired to offer three reasons why your business should also participate in community parades. But first, a little about the Million Father March, a 365 day-a year initiative for Black men who want to educate and develop Black children. This particular parade focuses on men accompanying children for the first day of school.  A great time was had by all attendees and we were able to support and promote a long-term committed community organization. I encourage more business owners to consider the intrinsic rewards a parade can provide and contact me at Cider Enterprises for a FREE consultation to discuss this and additional affordable promotion strategies…

Three reasons why your business should participate in community parades are:

  1. It’s FUN! – Getting involved in community parades is a fun way to serve and show support, regardless of whether your community is demographically defined, movement oriented, or you’re a global presence representing on a local level.

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  2. Visual Business Representation – You give the entire parade route a “visual” representation wpid-20150905_114730.jpgof your business while demonstrating community support. March with your banners and signs, and bring along your business supporters and volunteers to handout any marketing materials you have or create for the occasion. And remember, parades are made memorable by participants in colorful garb and coordinated moves, like the now famous “Michelle Obama sleek ‘side-to-side’ parade wave.” You also get to hold your biggest and longest smile, as you greet parade attendees who have come out to see ‘what you got.’ Make it a fun time for you and your team.
  3. Network with Community Leaders – Parades provide an opportunity to meet and greet somewpid-20150905_114311.jpg ‘key-players’ in the business and political community of your choice. These are leaders who know the value in community numbers. This kind of creative networking may have been previously overlooked as a valuable part of your business promotion and marketing plans; however, parade networking additionally provides you an opportunity to distribute contact information amidst an unusually large audience of persons that are already defined in your target market.

Yes, participating in a parade may be just the kind of promotion your business needs! Cider Enterprises will be handing out flyers and cards during the next community parade to herald the start of our Book Club Conference Call’s third season.

Contact Cider Enterprises for your free consultation to discuss how you can “harness your businesses energy” and utilize free to low cost promotions for your community based business.


Queen Hostess Claudette Redic
Cider Enterprises Owner

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